Kenyon College Dance, Drama & Cinema Club (KCDC) presents a production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream," by William Shakespeare and directed by Visiting Assistant Professor of Drama Laley Lippard, in the Bolton Theater.
Love is love is love. Shakespeare’s euphoric romp subverts traditional binary norms, delighting in the fluidity of desire and identity. As lovers escape an oppressive Athens to the mystical forest, boundaries blur and hilarity ensues, exposing the absurdity of societal expectations. Puck's mischievous magic ignites a joyful rebellion, celebrating the beauty of queer identity, nonconformity, and the power of attraction in all its forms. This dreamy comedy revels in the freedom of self-expression and the thrill of discovering the complexity of who we really are — and who we really love.
There are no longer ticket fees for Kenyon theater productions, and seating is first come, first serve. Please contact Kris Conant at 740-427-5557 with any accessibility concerns.