The site serves as excellent habitat for state-threatened wildlife species. The Barn Owl, Bobcat, Wild Turkeys, white-tailed deer, and Ring-necked Pheasants are just a few of the wildlife observed. Many species of songbirds and butterflies have been seen on this ecologically diverse site. During the summer months, butterfly monitoring is conducted by a group of volunteers on the park’s Butterfly Transect Trail. A single male Bobwhite Quail was spotted in August 2015. In addition, 60 acres of warm season grasses and prairie forbs have been planted on the site, improving the water quality of Honey Run and providing soil erosion control on highly erodible soils. The Park District manages Honey Run Highlands warm season grasslands/prairie forb areas with prescribe fire.

Honey Run Highlands Park
10816 Millersburg Road
Howard, OH 43028
(740) 392-7275
Daily 6 AM - 11 PM
Honey Run Highlands Park
10816 Millersburg Road
Howard, OH